Fall Tasks To Prepare Your Landscape for Cooler Weather
Many commercial property owners spend a significant amount of time on landscaping during the spring and summer months, but it shouldn’t stop there. Every season offers unique benefits when it comes to landscaping. The following are four fall tasks to get your landscape prepared for cooler temperatures.
Clean Up the Leaves
While freshly fallen leaves look bright and colorful the first couple days, when they sit around much longer, it could begin to look messy. Make sure those fall leaves get cleaned up so it doesn’t turn your property into an eyesore. It’s also unhealthy for your grass and other foliage to be covered by a layer of leaves, especially when it begins to rain and snow.
Maintain Your Irrigation System
Fall is the best time to winterize your irrigation system, making sure it doesn’t present problems when the temperatures drop. If there are any repairs that need to be made, those can be handled during this time as well. Consider auditing your irrigation system as well to ensure it was effective over the summer so you can make any necessary changes for next year.
Prepare the Lawn
Grass often grows best in cooler temperatures, which makes it easier for the seeds to germinate. You should also aerate and fertilize to ensure the seeds have access to the nutrients, water, and oxygen needed to really fill in and grow strong.
Prune the Foliage
Trees and bushes on a commercial property should all be pruned regularly. This makes your fall landscape look tidy, but it also promotes better health for your foliage when you allow more room for healthy growth. Removing dead or dying portions of the trees and bushes also gives your property a cleaner more put-together look.
As you can see, there are some important landscape maintenance tasks to complete before the cold winter hits, and we can help! Contact Rocky Mountain Custom Landscapes by calling 970-409-1245 or emailing us today!